BillingOrchard API Documentation

CheckOut function

This function takes the data for a client, billed misc fees, and the amount being charged. It takes this and creates a new invoice, payment, and a client if the ClientID is not passed but the client information is. It uses this information to charge a payment using the client's payment information.


Parameters are the data you will pass with the call.


For the CheckOut function, this field must contain "CheckOut"

Rules: Required
Type: String


This is your identifier

Rules: Required
Type: String


The HMAC-SHA256 Signature input is generated from appending the apikey, service, and timestamp values together as the input and your private key as the key

Rules: Required
Type: String


The time that the function was called. It must be in YYYYMMDD HH:MM format in UTC

Rules: Required
Type: String


This contains the necessary data for the function to do its job.

  • ClientID or all relevant new client information (Refer to Add function for Clients)
  • All BilledMisc information except for the InvoiceNumber (Refer to Add function for BilledMisc)
  • "AmountPaid":"50.24", this field must contain the amount that the client will be charged

Rules: Required
Type: String

Return Values

A JSON string is returned containing a message and other data.

Error with apikey

There is an issue with the apikey.

Error selecting service

The service name provided could not be found.


The function was successful. It returns the IDs of five items. ClientID, Invoice, Fee, Recurring, and Payment.

Error with Creating Client

There was an issue with the data that prevented the system from add or editing a client

NMI Error with Client

There was a problem with updating or adding a client in the customer vault. A "Response_code" is returned that will describe the problem

Error with Creating Invoice

Problem with creating Invoice. ClientID is returned

Error with Creating Fee

Problem with creating a BilledMisc fee. ClientID and Invoice are returned

Error with Creating Recurring

Problem with creating a RecurringBilling fee. ClientID, Invoice, and Fee are returned

NMI Error with Processing Payment

Error with processing the payment. A "Response_code" is returned that will describe the problem. ClientID, Invoice, Fee, and Recurring IDs are returned

Error with Creating Payment Record but it has been processed

There was a problem creating a payment entry in the database. ClientID, Invoice, Fee, and Recurring IDs are returned

API Documentation
CheckOut Function