MyHostGal Web Hosting Order Page

Please choose the appropriate plan and billing cycle:

Setup Fee
One time setup fee for all hosting accounts.

Small Business - Monthly Billing
This account can run both Unix and Windows applications.
* 500 MB Disk Space * 10 GB Data Transfer * 25 POP Accounts
Recurs every 1 Month

Small Business - 6 Month Billing
This account can run both Unix and Windows applications.
* 500 MB Disk Space * 10 GB Data Transfer * 25 POP Accounts
Recurs every 6 Months

Small Business - Yearly Billing
This account can run both Unix and Windows applications.
* 500 MB Disk Space * 10 GB Data Transfer * 25 POP Accounts
Recurs every 1 Year

Standard Business Plan - Monthly Billing
This account can run both Unix and Windows applications. * 2000 MB Disk Space * 20 GB Data Transfer * 50 POP Accounts
Recurs every 1 Month

Standard Business Plan - Six Month Billing
This account can run both Unix and Windows applications.
* 2000 MB Disk Space * 20 GB Data Transfer * 50 POP Accounts
Recurs every 6 Months

Standard Business Plan - Yearly Billing
This account can run both Unix and Windows applications.
* 2000 MB Disk Space * 20 GB Data Transfer * 50 POP Accounts
Recurs every 1 Year